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sábado, 15 de março de 2014

Very sad, Rio Grande!

Very sad for those who know or have heard of the Therapeutic Community Women of Esther Homes , located in Rio Grande Rio Grande do Sul, a pioneer in the south of the state and especially the one in town is a long time going through financial problems without help neither political nor religious , nor government , very rarely helps food to donate a few times what he has . For this community today , and has already helped dozens of women for free and still help the few that are here and the house itself maintained only by a couple of workers who gave their lives for this House . But as everything has a limit , this month our arrived , we had to fire the housekeeper , who ran the field and works in which women often very weak and could not do or know , and monitors that besides very responsible was like was a mother had to sell pigs that served meat for them , all for lack of help , we are falling very fast , I make many requests for help, but no response 99 % , as many know Rio Grande is a city that being recognized by the whole world by Polo Naval construction yards , very busy traffic of workers of all known locations, which moves millions if not more in their attributes , and a city growing rapidly but with little infrastructure ready for these changes . Now is the last chance we have , we decrease spending , we reduced staff , sold animals , we controlled the visits psychologist because it is paid for daily , contain costs of all forms . I do not know where it goes ... I hope God will touch the heart of a person that everyone and help us . I ask God to touch the heart of a business , entrepreneurs , people who help nonprofits , or someone who was touched by this message , which I know will run the world , so many places that pocket the money, how much money there, and people having to control the bread they eat , while women who were on the streets stealing , destroying their families , society in general and especially to themselves because of drugs , such as crack , cocaine and alcohol , if people thought more in the near and could put themselves in another's place I'm sure we would not be going through all these needs and sadness to see everything get lost with so many people in need .
Melissa .

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